smile is a hallmark in each of us and so we must take care to maintain white
teeth, healthy and strong.
hygiene is not the only thing needed to keep teeth whitening products. Today we can go to
any dental clinic and whiten teeth for a small fee. But not all of us have
sufficient funds to do so. For this, there are many home remedies that can
economic and implement.
Grandma's Remedies
well-known remedy to keep our teeth white is strawberries. The pulp of the
strawberries is beneficial to the gums and removes stains. For this purpose a
large strawberries and crush them, with the aid of a toothbrush, the pulp
extend gums and teeth gently. We rinse with warm water and a pinch of baking
process must do at least once a day, and see how our teeth gradually become
besides being aphrodisiac also has numerous properties and whitening teeth
care. To do this, mix two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and a little salt. Add
water to the mixture until a smooth paste. Rub your teeth with it every day,
and, gradually, we will see its effects in our smile.
is beneficial, especially for nicotine stains. Another widely used remedy is to
the usual dose of our toothpaste, a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and a pinch
of baking soda. Mix well until a smooth homogeneous paste for applying gently
in small circles. We repeat this process three times daily. We should not abuse
this choice, as it could damage our enamel.
avoid unpleasant consequences, we can ingest extra dose of vitamins and
calcium, thereby improving our oral health. In addition, the intake of foods
rich in fiber integral, and those that involve a slow chewing, will keep gums
and teeth much whiter.